
Newick CC

Martlets vs Newick CC

Date: 15 Jun 2008

Venue: Temple Grove, Heron’s Ghyll

Time/Result: Draw

Match Manager: Richard Allum

Umpire: Barry Peay


Match Report

Martlets 202 – 2, Sam Carter 51

Newick 174-7, Paul Lack 5-66


Martlets won the toss and batted, reaching 202 – 2 from 41 overs. Sam Carter 51, Dan Saunders 42, Chris Viggor 46 n.o. and Matt Stone (candidate) 34 n.o.

Newick CC quickly fell behind the ‘clock’ and a draw seemed likely from an early stage.  Despite some enterprising bowling from Paul Lack (13 overs, 3 maidens, 5 wickets for 66 runs) and Martlets replying with 39 overs, Newick ended on 174 – 7.  Match drawn.

Batted first team:
Batted first score:
Batted first leading batters/bowlers:
Batted second team:
Batted second score:
Batted second leading batters/bowlers:

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