
Aldridge Academy

Martlets vs Aldridge Academy

Date: 24 May 2018

Venue: Aldridge Cricket Academy

Time/Result: Abandoned (rain)

Match Manager: Josh Burrows

Umpire: Trevor Burchell

Scorer: Midge Martin

Match Report

Sussex Martlets and Aldridge Academy lose the game to persistent rain in Falmer


The Brighton Aldridge Community Academy - BACA The Sir Rod Aldridge Cricket Centre at BACA

The Brighton Aldridge Community Academy – BACA
The Sir Rod Aldridge Cricket Centre at BACA


The match was abandoned due to persistent rain with the Martlets 75 for three from 17 overs and looking pretty good.  The players held out for a long time hoping for the weather radar to indicate a break in the rain but called it a day at 3pm when it looked as if the earliest we could get back on the field would be 5pm.

Gutted somes up the feeling among all the players at losing the match to the weather.  Next year will be better …


Josh Burrows

Batted first team:
Batted first score:
Batted first leading batters/bowlers:
Batted second team:
Batted second score:
Batted second leading batters/bowlers:

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