
Ardingly College

Martlets vs Ardingly College

Date: 18 Jun 2008

Venue: Ardingly College

Time/Result: Draw

Match Manager: James Chadburn

Umpire: Ron Pateman


Match Report

Martlets 266 – 7, Ian Cox 92, Mike Shaw 94

Ardingly College 263 – 8, Mike Shaw 4 – 70

James Chadburn managed the game at Ardingly College on Wednesday, where he led us to a very tense last over draw. Martlets made 266-7 dec and the boys finished 263-8……….Ian Cox 92, and Mike Shaw 94 and 4-70. Great stuff!

Batted first team:
Batted first score:
Batted first leading batters/bowlers:
Batted second team:
Batted second score:
Batted second leading batters/bowlers:

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