Junior Martlets
Martlets vs Junior Martlets
Date: 16 Aug 2013
Venue: Friends of Arundel Castle CC
Time/Result: Win
Match Manager: Desmond Devitt
Umpire: John Betts
Scorer: Tony Gibbs
Sussex Martlets 212 – 7 Nick Seager 92, Dave Brooks 31, Michael Murray 30
Juniors 117 James Newland 3-27, Johnny Wills 2-18
That we had an uninterrupted day’s play was entirely due to the fact that both the umpires and Junior Martlets were prepared to be out in the field whilst there was, at times, a fairly steady if light drizzle. The Juniors bowled and fielded well, but again school bully, Nick Seager, was very difficult to contain. In what might prove to be a good preparation for Irish conditions next week, Nick and Michael Murray had the best partnership of the day, putting on over 100 for the third wicket.
The worst rain occurred over lunch and afterwards the weather got steadily better, and the Martlets’ opening pair of Josh Burrows and James Newland proved very effective.
As Johnny Wills said at the end, the margin of our win (by 95 runs) did not do justice to the efforts of the Juniors. They certainly got the worst of the conditions and that the Senior team never felt able to take their foot off the accelerator was a tribute to their competitiveness.
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