Martlets GC
Littlestone GC
Martlets GC vs Littlestone GC
Date: 26 Apr 2015
Venue: Littlestone GC
Time/Result: Loss
Match Manager: Adrian White
The Golfing Society took our annual trip down to Kent to play two rounds of foursomes at Littlestone. The course has just been re-rated by Golf World magazine to number 58 in England and it proved a great test on a damp and chilly day. So much so that the locals went into lunch 5:1 up on the Martlets. After lunch the matches were shortened as a result of over crowding on the course (which the club has promised to rectify next year). The result for the afternoon was an improvement at 3.5 : 2.5 to Littlestone, giving an overall result of 8.5 : 3.5.
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